One thought on “Sri Chinmoy meditates in New York 2003

  1. .

    “Swan, my swan, how did you attain God-Realization?
    How did you perform such a difficult task?
    I realized God by offering my life’s ignorance-husk
    and ignorance-bark to the Supreme the moment my hour dawned
    in my weeping life. What I have now is God. What I have now is
    God’s all-fulfilling Illumination-Life.”


    We have to commune with God all the time. In order to commune with
    God all the time, we have to create the supreme necessity for this
    inside our heart. This necessity has to be our psychic necessity. When
    we have created a psychic necessity to commune with God all the time,
    we shall without fail see God, talk to God, grow into the very image
    of God and consciously participate in God’s Cosmic Drama as devoted
    and unconditional instruments of God.

    two unofficial aphorism by Sri Chinmoy

    This is what I feel, when I meditate on this picture.

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